Monday, August 27, 2012

Scientists Under Attack (2009)

"Scientists Under Attack" (2009) 
(88 min - full documentary)

This is a documentary thriller about how Agro-Chemical multinational corporations victimize international scientists to prevent them from publishing their scary findings.
Director: Bertram Verhaag

Film oli eetris ETV-s 23.02.2012
dokkaader Teadlased rünnaku all. Geenitehnoloogia raha magnetväljas (Scientists Under Attack, Saksa 2009)

"Arpad Pusztai ja Ignacio Chapela on tunnustatud teadlased, kelle karjäär purunes, kui nad söandasid üldsust hoiatada geenmuundatud organismide (GMO) eest. Nad väidavad, et 95 protsenti teadusuuringutest geenitehnoloogia valdkonnas on finantseeritud tööstuse poolt ja üksnes 5 protsenti uurimistööst toimub sõltumatult. Seega on ohus teaduse ja demokraatia vabadus. Kas me võime üldse teadlasi usaldada?"


"Scientists under Attack - Genetic Engineering in the magnetic Field of Money TRAILER"

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House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009)

Uploaded by on Apr 20, 2011
In House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic, an AIDS film like no other, the HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten. This is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players; in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom
regarding HIV/AIDS is based. House of Numbers could well be the opening volley in a battle to bring sanity and clarity to an epidemic gone awry.

House of Numbers Website

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Fluoride Is Good For You :)

Uploaded by wearechange on Jun 14, 2011
For more information go here

Luke was onsite in Dundalk and decided to interview Walter Graham about the ongoing stupidity of water fluoridation. Luke himself thinks that fluoride is great for the teeth but Walter decided to inform him of the truth. Here at the Sovereign Independent we agree with Walter and will continue to try and inform Luke of the dangers of fluoridation but to be honest, Luke doesn't really listen ;-) 

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