The Rockefeller Medical Conspiracy
Eustace Mullins, Global Sciences Congress, December 1, 1990, Tampa, Florida.
"Murder By Injection - The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America" by Eustace Mullins
Mullins in 'Murder by Injection: "Dr. Mendelsohn has also complained that terramycin was an ineffective antibiotic, its major result being that it left children with yellow-greenish teeth and tetracyclin deposits in their bones. He quotes the Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program, which found that the risk of being killed by drug therapy in an American hospital was one in a thousand, and that 30,000 Americans died each year from adverse reactions to drugs prescribed for them by their doctors. Mendelsohn minces no words in his opinion of modern medicine. He calls it the Church of Death, whose Four Holy Waters are 1) immunizations; 2) fluoridated water; 3) intravenous fluids; and 4) silver nitrate. Mendelsohn dismisses all four as being "of questionable safety."
Mullins in his book review of Eric Jon Phelps' Vatican Assasins, in The Spectrum, April 2002:
"Although I am continuously denounced as anti-Semitic by Zionist terrorist groups working actively with the Jesuits and Freemasons, I have never failed to credit the inspiration of my book Murder By Injection, the only history of the American Medical Association, to three Jewish dissidents whom I was proud to call friends: Morris Bealle, founder of the Capitol Hill News Service, whose book Medical Mussolini, a biography of Morris Fishbein, head of the AMA for many years, and his sequel The Drug Trust, led me to research the CIA and Jesuit control of the worldwide drug conspiracy and its techniques of people control; Dr. Emanuel
Goldenson, with whom I used to talk all night in his Manhattan mansion a few doors from Nelson Rockefellers residence; and Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, whose trenchant appearances on the nations leading talk-shows led to his untimely demise from a Washington heart attack as the only means of stopping him from educating the American people about the details of the medical conspiracy against them. These men were welcome allies in the crusade to bring The Truth to the American people, a crusade in which Brother Eric brings us all the vital information which we need to win this worldwide struggle. You will find his work a necessary tool in furthering your own understanding, and in our survival."
E.C. Mullins - Murder By Injection 1-3
Rockefeller Medical Monopoly, Florida 1992, Eustace Mullins interviewed by Bobby Lee, The Mouth of the South.
Hospitals, Temples of the Occult
Eustace Mullins, Global Sciences Congress, August 1993 in Denver.
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